Moldovan/Romanian 80.2% (official) (56.7% identify their mother tongue as Moldovan, which is virtually the same as Romanian; 23.5% identify Romanian as their mother tongue), Russian 9.7%, Gagauz 4.2% (a Turkish language), Ukrainian 3.9%, Bulgarian 1.5%, Romani 0.3%, other 0.2%
Monetary Unit:
Moldovan Lei (MDL)
GDP Per Capita:
USD 5,700
Major Exports:
foodstuffs, textiles, machinery
Major Imports:
mineral products and fuel, machinery and equipment, chemicals, textiles
Latest Project:
Upgrade of Operational ASYCUDAWorld system of the Customs Service under the Ministry of Finance of he Republic of Moldova
ASYCUDAWorld 4.0.24
History & Achievements:
2006 – The first version of AW is lauched. ASYCUDAWorld is fully operational nationwide in the Moldovan Customs Service (MCS).
2020- ASYCUDAWorld upgraded to its recent version AW 4.3.2